
Saturday, September 15, 2007

I wish I could

Tell N that:

• She is suffering from inferiority complex because me, being of the same age, is more accomplished than her. =)
• I am a graduate, not someone who flunked in intermediate exams which makes her only matric qualified, and got job on merit not by flaunting and flattering my employer.
• I have a purpose in life not like her whose sole purpose is to get dressed and discuss other's life.
• I mind my own business unlike her who is nosy and is always criticizing others.
• I hate people with impaired English! (So, please don't text me asking what does means ejaculation? Ha!)


WritingsForLife said...

hmm interesting... but i wish i could understand what exactly are you getting at? Is it a personal post or are you just trying to compare two girls in general?!

xunz said...

It's a personal post honey... N is my rival colleague and real bitch...she is giving me hard time these days =(