
Sunday, September 17, 2017

You are my night sky,
full of gazillion shiny stars
that reflect 
my dreams and fears.
I can spend the whole night
lying awake-
gazing at you

You are silent and luminous;
and plain-
without hues.
Who needs sunshine
When all I have is
peace and tranquility
when I am around you.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Like a Phoenix!

It's funny when at job interviews after checking my resume, interviewers ask my age as if confirming.

Person: What is your age?

 Me: *tells him/her*

Person: *jaw drops* You look so young!

Me: Yes, I burn myself after every five years for re-incarnation! (in my head).  *says nothing*. :D

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

This is something I wrote last month but one thing or another kept me from posting here.

Here you go :)

Mother Nature carried me in her arms
another one-
of her traumatized child

healing invisible physical scars,
mending broken sense of self
with soothing lullabies
and numerous rattling toys.

With the extraordinary love
this wide universe sent
I assemble myself
once again
to walk upon this path;
carrying a head full of perspective
and an uncertain heart.

But that's how it goes -
we cry, we break, and we shatter
thousand times
and He lifts, fixes and mends us

Now at this crossroad 
I have realized
the amazing ways 
His forces function;
and why 
His best creation
is always under construction!
