
Sunday, March 04, 2007

I am dead tired today. The day was quite busy. I attended TFR's workshop. There were teachers from two other schools also.

The initial discussion revolved mainly around Computer Society and the activities to be conducted in March that is holding quiz and project competition. Then we discussed in great detail the factors that would likely to hinder in carrying out our plans. The two major ones were the time factor and O-levels exam. We talked through it. Okay, not we but it was actually S and muskan who did most of the talking. Anyways, the discussion continued and at one point it seemed that everyone was talking in circles. Mr. M talked nineteen to dozen and it had dozed my head.

When we got done, we short listed the quiz questions. While working, we conversed about our bosses. It started off by criticism on their lack of understanding on some important matters but ended with praise. Everyone concluded that their bosses were not, after all, bad persons…. lol. I was quiet during most of the discussion and concentrated on work. The work was boring but the conservation bored me to death. The words sounded hollow; the thoughts lacked originality and were plainly shallow.

I reached home around 4 PM and discovered that mom wants me to go for shopping with her. Okay, I love to shop but not at the cost of sleep.

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