
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This is something I wrote years ago about the plight of a woman in Pakistan and India. I had never realized that one day I'll feel related to this poem. Thank you in-laws!

Here it goes:

Lying next to him
with a bruised heart
with dreams all broken
that's how she had to start
carrying her battered self
carefully stepping on broken dreams
holding on to her crumbling hopes
drowning within her salty screams
he couldn't see thru her
the fate has its own strange ways
she kept bleeding inside
and it went on for days and days
she – his pretty little angel
who he possessed her fully and whole
he had her in his arms
and her withering soul
enclosed in a coffin
and as the death-bells chime
she bid herself good bye
and felt alive for the first time!

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