Today was grade 5's monthly test and the students really tested my patience. Everything was written in black and white but still they were asking how and what to do. Some of them even argued.
Kid 1: Miss you have given the picture of floppy so what do we have to write in the space for device name?
Kid 2: Miss we have to write floppy in the blank for device name, right?
Kid 3: Miss we have written in our note book that video cards have memory and processor but in the choices you have given: (a) memory (b) processor (c) both
Which one should we choose?
And to my utmost disappointed, 99% of them selected either option (a) or (b). Sigh
May be it's not all their fault. They are so used to 'ratification' and spoon feeding that they find it difficult to attempt a paper that involves using common sense. This is a major drawback of our educational system. It's hard to introduce something new or to bring about reforms since resistance comes from all directions. There are very few parents who appreciate such measures while the rest of the parent population is only concerned with child's marks.
Things to do:
- check monthly test papers of grade 4A
- check copies of grade 4 students
I have been procrastinating checking work since long. Nothing is preventing me from checking except for pure dedicated laziness.
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