
Sunday, October 29, 2006

I feel like a little girl
Trying to conquer the whole wild world

Yeah, sometimes I do feel like a little superhero girl of Corrinne May’s song. It is a nice ballad.
Anyway, today was just another day at in school. Okay, not just another day but that’s what I felt. We had one dish party and I, along with two other computer teachers, hadn't brought a single dish (how typical of us? :D). Thanks to S who acted as a sole representative of computer department and made ‘choley’. Besides, I was struck with the fact that I might lose eight days pay for not showing up on Friday. O Lord!

Yesterday, I had felt so giddy that I wasn’t able to sit. I was worried and wondered how I would be able to go to school tomorrow. A foolish thought occurred that I was going to die. That worried me more and I was like O’ God! I hadn’t been able to wear the new dresses that hang in the wardrobe.
It was lightening followed by light drizzling an hour ago. Cold breeze carried droplings of rain, which I sensed while walking at terrace. Knowing my potential of catching flu at a speed of light, I decided to go downstairs. My solitary walks at terrace are becoming customary. I don’t know why.

Everybody wants a piece of me
And I just don't know where to run
I've got work piled up to my head
All I want to do is jump into bed
And wash away my troubles with lemonade

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