
Friday, October 06, 2023

Autumn comes, dropping slow:
from the falling of leaves on trees,
to the passing of hopes in hearts.

Autumn has, somehow, melancholy vibes.... making you slow and mellow. It is strange that the major transitions of my career happen during my heartbreaks: they say misery never comes alone.

My monthlies bring a wave of sadness along with cravings for a lot of things. Heartbreaks are never easy!

Sunday, October 01, 2023


  1. To run 3 kilometers in a marathon
  2. Start podcasting
Action plan:
  • Go for running tomorrow. Heck xuni what's wrong with you!
  • Work on the  first episode for your podcast

Do people still use blogger? Asks in Fermi's paradox. 

I feel crestfallen. I thought going back to student life would be easy. I didn't gauge the environment. Apparently this slight error in judgement became the source of misery. 

It's funny when you read your old posts written a decade (or more) ago and they don't seem part of you anymore. Stories that don't begin with once upon a time, in a land far far away, instead they begin with a thousand light years ago, in another dimension there was this girl...

I will try to be regular here. 


  • Journal everyday