
Monday, June 30, 2008

Today’s thought

Ignorance is bliss. Every time a person starts knowing, he dies a little.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The tendons and ligaments of my muscles have been torn apart, disjoining bones and cartilages, caused by carrying a book thicker than my wrists and heavier than my weight. This Guinness Encyclopedia has made my wrists and arms shout PAIN. The saddest part is that the more I move my arms, the more they ache. It’s like a sharp twinge of pain traveling thru blood stream or neurons transmitting painful signals in my body. And I cannot sit still. It’s a sheer torture!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The youngest and cutest person in our art class =)


Finally I am out of depression phase. Okay here are some of my sketches:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Surrounded by family, friends and many others… yet I am alone. They all have disappeared into infinite darkness and here I am... companionless and drenched in my pain. Life has never been easy. Suicide? I don’t want to end up doing that but sometimes; it’s the only way out. But razor is my savior for tonight. Neither tears stop flowing nor the blood.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Things in the nutshell...

I am doing well in my fine art class and my teacher seems to be impressed.

I have rejoined school and will be teaching english instead of computers... that's okay since I love english and computer both =p.

It has recently been disclosed that my employers and my colleagues admire me very much because of my attitude.... well, its a relief as I have learnt to get along with people but still, the credit goes to my employers since they are nice and educated people =).

My friendship with mimi has taken new course as we have started discovering each other's clandestine (read dark =p) sides and this has lead to better understanding between us. Infact, I have started confiding in her and feel secure with that... its not everyday you come across such people.

I have discovered that anti-depressants are of no use to me.... depression is an integral part of my life and I would have to learn to live with it.

We are having really bad summers with hot and humid climate and kesc blessings =p

These days I am reminiscizing more about past and thinking why do bad things happen to good people?