Tagged by a freind
I am thinking about:random stuff
I said:
did anyone hear me?
I want to:· Study mass communication & journalism
· Learn salsa and flamenco
· Travel …in fact fly away to a place where no one knows me
· Make my students accomplished ladies and women of substance
I wish:· I had more than 24 hours at my disposal
· I had perpetual insomnia
· I had my own library of books
· I could shop more …no shop less, I’m already shopping a lot
· I could be less spontaneous … cuzz even I don’t know what I might do next.
· I could be anonymous
I miss:some good old days :)
I wonder:what I will be doing this time, next year
I regret:· The times when I panicked and lost my cool
· The times when I trusted the wrong people
I hear:· Music …it lives in my head and rots my brain :P
· Thoughts…. they echo
I am:· happy (to some extent)
· spontaneous (to very extent)
I dance:like noone’s watching
I sing:passionately and terribly off-key lol
I cry:at pretty much everything
I am not:· always docile
· a diplomat and can never be…cuzz I hate hypocrites!
I make with my hands:drawings …nail art
I write:about loads of stuff
I confuse:myself
I need:to really figure my life out
I should try:to be more honest about my feelings
I finish:Tasks I start ...unless it’s cleaning my room :D