
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

This goes to my sis T


From toothpaste for dinner

Friday, January 13, 2006

Today's Quote

I love mankind; it's people I can't stand.
- Linus van Pelt

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

These lines are my favorite. Frost is awesome.

The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep

-Stopping By The Woods on a Snowy Evening, Robert Frost
It’s 4:00 AM and I still can’t sleep.

A courtesy of late night caffeine!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Things I find solace in:

As Richardson said:
My heart is full, and I can't help writing my mind.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Wish you all a very happy new year :)

And now, ladies and gentlemen! * Drum Roll * … some new year’s resolutions are as follows: ...* more Drum roll * ... “NEW ORDER of ‘06”!!!

1) be extremely regular in prayer
2) read more classics
3) get engaged in writing, yeah, for sure!
4) shop less
5) no, no, shopping is good…. Shop as much
6) help mom in household chores.
7) try not to stay awake all night. :P
8) try not to lose temper so easily. hehe
9) write more poems
10) be nice especially, to strangers… lol!
11) be more thankful